
## Uncomment and run this cell to install pandas
#!pip install pandas
#!pip install openpyxl
import pandas as pd
from dataidea.datasets import loadDataset
# to check python version

Creating Dataframes

creating dataframes from existing files

# loading an excel file into a dataframe
data = loadDataset('demo')

The data structure that is returned by the statement is called a DataFrame

# checking the datatype of the data object
# randomly sample some values
Age Gender Marital Status Address Income Income Category Job Category
171 24 m 0 5 13 1 1
92 61 m 1 18 23 1 3
72 36 m 0 8 51 3 1
3 24 m 1 4 26 2 1
21 36 f 0 6 39 2 1

Creating a DataFrame from a Dictionary

We can create pandas dataframes using two major ways: - Using a dictionary - Using a 2D list

# create a pandas dataframe using a dictionary
data_dictionary = {
    'age': [65, 51, 45, 38, 40],
    'gender': ['m', 'm', 'm', 'f', 'm'],
    'income': [42, 148, 147, 43, 89]

dataframe_from_dict = pd.DataFrame(data=data_dictionary)
# display the dataframe
age gender income
0 65 m 42
1 51 m 148
2 45 m 147
3 38 f 43
4 40 m 89
# creating a dataframe from a 2D list
data_list = [
    [28, 'm', 24],
    [59, 'm', 841],
    [54, 'm', 741],
    [83, 'f', 34],
    [34, 'm', 98]

dataframe_from_list = pd.DataFrame(data=data_list, 
                                   columns=['age', 'gender', 'income'])
# display the dataframe
age gender income
0 28 m 24
1 59 m 841
2 54 m 741
3 83 f 34
4 34 m 98
# Finding more information
# help(pd.DataFrame)
## Another way to find more information
# ?pd.DataFrame

Concatenating DataFrames

Sometimes there’s a need to add two or more dataframes. To perform this, for the start, we can use the pd.concat(). Below is some illustration

concatenated_dataframe = pd.concat([dataframe_from_dict, dataframe_from_list], ignore_index=True)
age gender income
0 65 m 42
1 51 m 148
2 45 m 147
3 38 f 43
4 40 m 89
5 28 m 24
6 59 m 841
7 54 m 741
8 83 f 34
9 34 m 98

Sampling values in the DataFrame

# We can have look at the top part 
age gender income
0 65 m 42
1 51 m 148
2 45 m 147
# We can look at the bottom part
age gender income
7 54 m 741
8 83 f 34
9 34 m 98
# We can also randomly sample out some values in a DataFrame
age gender income
5 28 m 24
4 40 m 89
0 65 m 42


Selecting, Boolean Indexing and Setting

country_data = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'Country': ['Belgium', 'India', 'Brazil'],
    'Capital': ['Brussels', 'New Delhi', 'Brasilia'],
    'Population': [11190846, 1303171035, 207847528]
Country Capital Population
0 Belgium Brussels 11190846
1 India New Delhi 1303171035
2 Brazil Brasilia 207847528
# position 1
print(country_data.iloc[0, 0])
print(country_data.iloc[2, 1])
# position 2
print(country_data.iat[0, 0])
print(country_data.iat[2, 1])


  • How can you use the pd.DataFrame.iat method to replace (or modify) a specific value in a dataframe
def locate(dataframe:pd.core.frame.DataFrame=None, row:int=0, column:str=None):
    Selects specific item by row index and column name
    return dataframe.loc[row, column]
locate(country_data, 0, 'Capital')
    dataframe: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame = None,
    row: int = 0,
    column: str = None,
Docstring: Selects specific item by row index and column name
File:      /tmp/ipykernel_4522/
Type:      function
# using label
print(country_data.loc[0, 'Capital'])
print(country_data.loc[1, 'Population'])
# using label
print([2, 'Population'])
print([1, 'Capital'])
New Delhi
# picking out data from a specific column
0    Belgium
1      India
2     Brazil
Name: Country, dtype: object
# another way to pick data from a specific column
0     Brussels
1    New Delhi
2     Brasilia
Name: Capital, dtype: object

The data structure that is returned by the statement is called a Series

# lets check it
# Get specific row data (using index)
Country        Belgium
Capital       Brussels
Population    11190846
Name: 0, dtype: object
# get all rows that have a column-value matching a specific value
# eg where country is Belgium
country_data[country_data['Country'] == 'Belgium']
Country Capital Population
0 Belgium Brussels 11190846
# Think about this
country_data['Country'] == 'Belgium'
0     True
1    False
2    False
Name: Country, dtype: bool


Country Capital Population
0 Belgium Brussels 11190846
1 India New Delhi 1303171035
2 Brazil Brasilia 207847528
# drop a column from a dataframe
country_data.drop('Country', axis=1)
Capital Population
0 Brussels 11190846
1 New Delhi 1303171035
2 Brasilia 207847528
def calculateBMI(weight_kg, height_m, status:bool=True, round_off:bool=True):
    bmi = weight_kg / height_m ** 2
    if round_off:
        bmi = round(bmi)

    if status:
        status = 'Normal' if 18 <= bmi <= 24 else 'Not Normal'
        return bmi, status
        return bmi
calculateBMI(67, 1.7)
(23, 'Normal')
# You can drop many columns by passing in a columns list
country_data.drop(columns=['Country', 'Population'], inplace=True)
Country Capital Population
0 Belgium Brussels 11190846
1 India New Delhi 1303171035
2 Brazil Brasilia 207847528
# how to drop row data
country_data.drop([0, 2], axis=0)
Country Capital Population
1 India New Delhi 1303171035

Research on:

  • sort and rank data

Retrieving information about DataFrame

Basic Information

country_data = pd.DataFrame({
    'Country': ['Belgium', 'India', 'Brazil'],
    'Capital': ['Brussels', None, None],
    'Population': [11190846, 1303171035, 207847528]

Country Capital Population
0 Belgium Brussels 11190846
1 India None 1303171035
2 Brazil None 207847528
# shape of a dataframe (ie rows and columns)
(3, 3)
# Get all columns in a dataframe
Index(['Country', 'Capital', 'Population'], dtype='object')
# get some basic info about the dataframe
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3 entries, 0 to 2
Data columns (total 3 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------      --------------  ----- 
 0   Country     3 non-null      object
 1   Capital     1 non-null      object
 2   Population  3 non-null      int64 
dtypes: int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 200.0+ bytes
# Count non-null values in each column
Country       3
Capital       1
Population    3
dtype: int64


# summary statistics
count 3.000000e+00
mean 5.074031e+08
std 6.961346e+08
min 1.119085e+07
25% 1.095192e+08
50% 2.078475e+08
75% 7.555093e+08
max 1.303171e+09


Find out how to get for specific columns: - mean - median - cummulative sum - min - max

Applying Function

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